The truth is, I am much more comfortable writing about others in my life than I am about myself. I’ve started a few novels and found the process mostly enjoyable until I tried keeping a journal that I thought would maybe lend itself to a larger work. The process was like opening a portal to a bad place, a door was opened that I quickly tried to slam shut. It isn’t like I’ve had a terrible life with terrible problems, it is just that I don’t normally like to dwell (some would read “deal”) on things. I think there is a huge difference in being constructively introspective versus being self-absorbed or self-pitying. So, I didn’t continue with the journal project and to this day I generally avoid exercises like it.
Recently a bunch of friends sent Facebook writing prompts meant to learn more about their friends and I just didn’t want to “play” like that. To clarify, I didn’t think they were self-absorbed or self-pitying exercises, I just mean that they looked like that door I opened and slammed shut. The prompts I read from others were actually interesting/entertaining to me and I did like them – especially the candid ones that let me see a side of friends I wouldn’t otherwise in our EVERYDAY outings. The truth is, I think I like having my secrets. Not the type that would hurt loved ones (I don’t have a secret lover or huge debts or anything like that), but rather the type that let me maintain my own definition of myself -- unfiltered through the gaze of others. I can’t say that in some cases it isn’t because I’m afraid of their reproach. As social beings, it is hard to not be influenced by this fear. If I got to the point where I didn’t give a shit what was thought of me, I’d probably not be a good husband, father, son, friend, employee, etc. Part of life *is* playing the game and not forcing others to confront our own eccentricities. However, I have always been pegged as straight-laced and apple pie. I guess I’ve been afforded opportunities because of this, but it does feel disingenuous at times. Then when I think to refute it I am overcome with the out of body experience of witnessing myself being a dork in overly trying to prove something to another. And so, weighing the choice of that buffoonery against having others think of me in safe, predictable, and boring terms … I guess I often choose the latter. I choose to wear my dark on the inside.
So, with that admission in mind, why start a blog? First, I don’t like that I slammed that door so readily without giving myself time to work through things a bit more. Second, I do enjoy writing and I’ve been taking a hiatus that I want to end. This informal writing is kind of freeing and gets me back in the practice of writing for writing’s sake. Hopefully I will work off this momentum and get back to the novels I started before (or start a new one). Third, I am at that point in my life where things are basically good and solid and it is much more comfortable to share and explore now that I feel balanced. I don’t expect my future postings will be this long-winded and dry, at least I hope not. I plan on blogging on anything and everything without worrying too much about making something of significance. This is supposed to be the space where I don’t have to worry about that, it is the selfish space – the public masturbation room, if you will.