Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Bless me readers (or reader as is more likely the case) for I have neglected. It has been nine months since my last posting.

I went through some odd life changes over the past months and thankfully came through the other side with perspective and a new lease on life. You may remember from my previous post that I was going through a separation with my wife. Well, that is not going to happen now.

After nearly a year of emotional roller-coaster rides, and about half a year of living apart, we both realized a few things (I’ll speak from the first person though to make this easier to read and so that I don’t speak for her). First, I wanted to be a better “me” for my own sake and she recognizes and supports/appreciates that. Second, nobody else I dated, or had interest in, could compare to her. Third, I got past the point of simple pity for myself (I know I could survive and move on with my life). Getting past that point let me know that I wanted her back not only because of the past/comfort, but because I choose her to spend my future with. I can’t overstate the importance of that realization. It comes down to this: I love and respect my wife more now than ever before – I believe we are better for having gone through the pain so we could renew our relationship with understanding and passion.

So, we are now all back under the same roof again. It has been about a month since her move back in and we spent that time repainting walls, rearranging furniture/appliances/etc., clearing out garages and closets, and finally unpacking the remaining boxes. In the end, the house feels like a renewed home. Now we are in the state to plan, and planning together is akin to dreaming together and dreaming together is something special.

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