This weekend I’m taking my daughter to a father-daughter dance and it’s a sock hop, ala ‘50s, and I’m trying to peg myself for the attire. Am I the greaser, the athlete/letterman, the dork

… yes, I’m all of them. So, what to wear … what to wear? I’m sure it will come down to waiting for the last minute and being stuck with whatever is in my closet, or I could justify going out to buy something since I rarely have the chance to take my daughter to a dance like this … hmm. If I was to get a leather jacket, that would expensive and I probably wouldn’t wear it enough to justify it (I used to wear one, but that is SOOOO 80s/90s). I have one now, but it is all long and gothic-like and I’d scare all the other daughters and dads (my daughter doesn’t even flinch at that stuff – she just wanted her own pink-spiked bracelet) and, oh yeah, NOT ‘50s at ALL … why did I even digress like that? This is the same daughter that chose the cheerless cheerleader Halloween costume for herself – she is totally a gothic girl!

So, I need to put something together and I don’t have a letterman’s jacket – I lettered, but it was in Varsity Badminton and I didn’t want to be the first varsity jock in high school history to get a wedgie. You see what I mean by being the athlete AND the dork? I don’t want to NOW get a wedgie by the other dads so I still don’t want to show up as a dork … so I guess it is the greaser sans jacket. Imma gonna have to grease out the hair and maybe roll some cigarettes up in my sleeve … oh wait, this is with my daughter who I don’t want to smoke … ARGH! OK, can we just pick a new theme? No, not gonna happen? Well frick!
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