Since I enjoy reading Cherie's (BlogTHISMom) submissions each week for the PROMPTuesdays, I figured I'd pick up the habit too (submission below this prompt):
PROMPTuesday #45: You’re Published! (San Diego Momma Blog)
For this week’s PROMPTuesday, let’s assume your book is getting published. And that you need a dedication page.
What is your book about, who will you dedicate your book to and what will you say?
Write a story based on this prompt.
Kindred Spirits
A powerful spirit lies dormant in captivity for ages until it is unleashed upon the 21st century world. Jumping from one human to another, it splits its essence each time to share a bit of its power with the host and elluding captivity forever more. Each new hosts has unique powers tindered from within and soon the spirit is coveted by all and guarded by the chosen. Our world becomes centered around a shared spirit that connects the hosts but divides the masses.
Dedicated to my family for keeping me true to myself and fictional for others.
PROMPTuesday #45: You’re Published! (San Diego Momma Blog)
For this week’s PROMPTuesday, let’s assume your book is getting published. And that you need a dedication page.
What is your book about, who will you dedicate your book to and what will you say?
Write a story based on this prompt.

A powerful spirit lies dormant in captivity for ages until it is unleashed upon the 21st century world. Jumping from one human to another, it splits its essence each time to share a bit of its power with the host and elluding captivity forever more. Each new hosts has unique powers tindered from within and soon the spirit is coveted by all and guarded by the chosen. Our world becomes centered around a shared spirit that connects the hosts but divides the masses.
Dedicated to my family for keeping me true to myself and fictional for others.
Well, now I'm dying with curiosity to read the book!
I LOVE the premise! I adore books with dormant spirits and coveted power!!!
And: welcome! Nice blog and glad you joined in the PROMPT fun this week.
It was a lot of fun to read you.
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