San Diego Momma's prompt this week:"Write a story about when you last were humbled, felt humbled by the presence of something/someone in your life, or lay prostrate at the feet of the universe and said “I don’t know what the hell I am doing. I will now surender and let you take over.”
The week is nearly over and I’ve labored on posting for the PROMPTuesday from 6 days ago. I guess what it comes down to is that I’m not prepared to discuss all parts of my life yet. Introspection is one thing, but having a public light cast upon my humbling moments is quite another. But, to not completely ignore this week’s prompt and lose momentum, I will write about somebody that inspired me to the point of my own self-awareness.

I work in instructional technology at a university and part of my job is being the campus accessibility consultant. In this capacity, I’ve met truly amazing people that have overcome major challenges in their lives to go on and live exemplary lives for others. One woman, in particular, inspired me to appreciate the things I have and complain less about the small difficulties I face day-to-day. This woman lost her sight as a young adult and is now graduating with a master’s degree in literature and writing studies. She also teaches newly blind individuals on how to adapt to their environment, find new purpose in their lives, and live a totally self-reliant lifestyle. She regularly helps us communicate the need for making materials accessible for students and she does so at great inconvenience to get here and back. I witnessed the time and effort she has to go through to read books and write papers with assistive technology and it takes at least three times as long. I also went through the literature and writing studies program and I remember how much belly-aching I did back then. When I saw her process and the way she maintains a positive disposition through it all, frankly I was ashamed of myself for being so weak and whiny those years in school and now in my career.
Ah, I *love* that!
What a great reminder to appreciate what we have. Thanks for sharing this...your friend is inspiring.
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